I personally think this one is really cool. TO 'NEW MAIL NOTIFICATION' For 'Microsoft Mail' or 'Eudora\'GETTING ATTENTION' area. I have learned to hate hearing this one! houst.wav (13.1kb) TO 'PROGRAM ERROR' 'Tom Hanks in 'Apollo 13' saying: 'Houston, we have a problem!'
Now all you have to do is hit browse and find the *.wav file on your hard disk for each operating system function (i.e. Next, click the SOUNDS icon inside the control panel. For those of you who are clueless, just 'click' the START icon in the bottom lower left of your screen, then the SETTINGS, then the CONTROL PANEL. In Windows95, just go to the CONTROL PANEL\SOUNDS section of your operating system. On this page are some audio graphics files that can be used to make your computer more 'individualized.' If you are going to spend hours in front of a computer every day, you might as well make life as interesting as possible. Still, the user can still change things around somewhat to their desire. However, don't despair - it can be customized! I think Microsoft thinks 'blandness' is a sign of professionalism or something. The out-of-the-package Windows95 operating system is pretty boring. Windows95 Sound Files Windows95 Sound Files